Order the new book by Russell D. Haynes, Where Did the Deer Go? This book explains, in detail and with pictures, the reason that whitetail deer were close to extinction in the middle to late 1800's of most of America. Then, this book explains the steps the United States government took to remedy the problem, thus, giving the United States, especially the southeast, a current, thriving whitetail population.
This product from Haynes Hunting Systems is unlike a cheap import with from pot metal and thinly sprayed rubber. Our STEEL cradle is first dipped in automotive enamel and then dipped in a THICK rubber coating, in a humidity controlled booth. The offset (and adjustable) stalk allows you to use a windshield, plus, allows you to attach on the inside or the outside of your Yamaha golf cart vehicle.
(Your YAMAHA golf cart must have a SQUARE windshield frame and be 3/4 inch or 1" square steel or aluminum frame).
Attach the offset ends first.
Installs in a 5 minutes or less. Strong velcro straps secures your gun or bows.
SAFETY TIP: It is safer to carry guns unloaded.